How does McTimoney help the animal?

McTimoney can help to relieve pain and restore range of movement after injury, perhaps due to:

  • A fall and or slip when being ridden or when turned out
  • A collision with another horse or solid object
  • Getting cast in the stable.

Other problems may develop over a longer period, these include:

  • Conformational and or foot balance issues
  • Saddle fitting or biting / teeth problems
  • An unbalanced rider and/or  training issues.

When should I seek help (remember always to ask your vets permission beforehand).

  • Unexplained deterioration in usual performance
  • Sore or cold backs, uneven pressure from saddles & saddles that slip to one side
  • Stiffness on one rein, and or difficulty striking off into, or maintaining canter
  • Unexplained resistances such as bucking, rearing, napping, refusing to jump etc .
  • Uneven development or wastage of muscles
  • Unlevel, especially behind and uneven wear of shoes.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Please remember always to seek your Vets permission before you book a McTimoney Treatment. This a legal requirement and should I feel that the treatment does not achieve the expected results or that it is not suitable for your animal I will refer the horse / pony back to your vet.